Wednesday, April 1, 2009

ah... the rock face~ the reason ben originally bought the property, and the airstream was somehow maneuvered around the rocks to a quaint location. that will be fun to clean out after sitting for years! [note that the panoramic images are not in correct perspective as they are 3 images pieced together- flared out the images would be more realistic]
our second task: marking the deck/yurt location. looks like we will have to take down 4+ trees, however the ones we marked to remove appear to be dead, leaving us with enough firewood for a long time. we hope the deck will be about a foot off the ground on the back side (up the hill a little) and probably 10 off the ground in the front- leaving room for a car and "playground" (both aspen's and for our stuff) underneath.
while exploring we found trout lilies all over the property.

our first task was clearing about 300 feet of brush from a storm a few years back. trees and branches covered the driveway and much of the area where we are hoping to put the deck/yurt.